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(Advent Season ) December 4, 2022- Matthew 3:1-12- God's Loveline- Rev. Dr. Leath
(Advent Season ) December 11, 2022-Luke 1: 5-22- It's Time to Give Birth-Sis. Marsha McCormack
(Advent Season ) December 18, 2022- Matthew 1;18-25- God who Saves is with Us- Pastor K
(Christmas Day Worship Service- December 25, 2022- Isaiah 9:6- Unto Us a Son is Given Pastor K
(New Year Day Worship Service- Jan. 1 2023-Luke 5: 1-7- Journey with Jesus- Pastor K
(EHWMS Worship Service- Jan. 15 2023-Go Do Likewise - Pastor K
(Youth Worship Service- Jan. 22 2023-Step Forward - Pastor K
Worship Service- Jan. 29 2023- Blessed- Matt. 5:1- 11- Rev. Leath
Worship Service- Feb. 05 2023- Why Are You Here?- Matt. 5:13-20- Pastor K
Worship Service- Feb. 12, 2023- Love Wins- 1 John 4: 7-16- Pastor K
Worship Service- Feb. 19, 2023- A Mountaintop Experience- Matthew 17: 1-8- Pastor K
Worship Service- Feb. 26, 2023- Share Your Story- Psalms 145:4-12- Pastor K
Worship Service- March 5, 2023- Matt. 20:17-28-We are Here to Serve-Pastor K
Worship Service- March 12, 2023- John 4: 27-42-God knows It All -Pastor K
Worship Service- March 19, 2023- John 9:1-11; 35-41 Recognizing Our Spiritual Blindness -Pastor K
Worship Service- March 26, 2023- John 11: 20-30; 31-Roll the Stones Away -Pastor K
Palm Sunday Worship Service- April 2 - Rev. Willis
Good Friday Worship Service- April 7 - The Journey & the Cross
Easter Worship Service- April 9 - Jesus Christ Lives !!- John 20:1-18-Pastor K
EHWMS Worship Service- April 16- Fears and Doubts- Bro. Chris Hobbs
Youth Worship Service- April 23- Christ is Enough, He Covers You Well- Sis. Marsha McCormack
Worship Service- April 30- Psalms 23- Satisfaction Guaranteed- Rev. Jennifer Leath
Worship Service- May 7-John 14:1-14- He'll Do It! Pastor K
Worship Service- May 14-Acts 17:23-25- When Worship Matters- Pastor K
Worship Service- May 21-Acts 1: 8-Anticipate Something New- Pastor K
Youth Worship Service- May 28- 1 Corinthians 12:3-13- Power of Pentecost: Being of the Same Spirit- Pastor K